Dehydration and Depression

Depression is complex. Often people experiencing depression have different factors interplaying that contribute to their depressive symptoms. These can include genetics, physical illnesses, environment, trauma, loss, major life changes, stress, substance abuse, etc.

So why is dehydration such a big deal?

Dehydration may worsen or add to symptoms linked to depression.

  1. Dehydration zaps your brain’s energy!

    Dehydration makes your energy production go down which decreases brain functioning. Mood disorders can be linked to or exasperated to this type of dysfunction.

  2. Dehydration impedes your brain’s serotonin production

    Water is vital for amino acid tryptophan to create serotonin. Serotonin is key because it helps balance our mood and feelings of happiness. It also helps our body communicate.

  3. Dehydration increases stress in the body

    Not only does dehydration cause significant stress in your body, but stress can also contribute to dehydration fro your adrenal glands overworking.

I’m not suggesting water is a magic cure for depression or the cause of it BUT drinking water can be an act of self care that improves how you feel. By drinking water you can eliminate depressive symptoms worsened by side effects of dehydration.

I’ve personally noticed that drinking more water has helped lessen the frequency of headaches I was having and feelings of brain fog. Hopefully you can put it to the test and see how adequate hydration can help your overall well being.

Source: Solora Mental Health